
Authoritative Independent Monthly Share Selections Using Technical & Fundamental Analysis

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UK House Builders

March 2012

Investing in shares may lose you all or some of your money. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Some of the shares recommended here may be small company shares, which can be relatively illiquid and hard to trade and this makes such shares more risky than other investments.

One of the most effective ways to make money in shares is to anticipate events before they happen, with the famous adage being that the Stock Market always looks 12-18 months ahead. This may explain why the shares of several leading UK house builders are standing at or near 12-month highs even though the world is apparently about to end (if you believe the more hysterical elements of the tabloid press). Given that monthly housing transactions are still only half the high water marks of five years ago, this share price performance in one sense appears odd but if you look through the noise there are some grounds for cautious optimism. On the one hand, the number of mortgage products available are gradually increasing, while the prop ...

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With small companies there is an above average degree of risk compared to buying blue chips. Please be aware that we have not assessed the suitability of any of these investments for you. The newsletter simply states a personal view and diarises the editor’s investment decisions. Please speak to your stockbroker or other qualified individual to ascertain whether any of these companies mentioned would form useful additions to your own portfolios. Past performance is no indication of future success.

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