
Authoritative Independent Monthly Share Selections Using Technical & Fundamental Analysis

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Risk Warnings

Investing in shares can lose you some or all or your money.
Some of the shares profiled here may be small company shares. By their nature, such investments can be relatively illiquid and, as a result, hard to trade and this makes such shares more risky than other investments.
Information on the site may relate to penny shares which may have significant differences between the buying and selling price.
Past performance is not an indication of future performance.
Any references to the impact of taxation are made in the context of current legislation and may not be valid should levels or basis of taxation change in the future. 
Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause your investment or the income from it to go down as well as up.

Equitylink Limited is an independent organisation and is not tied to any stockbroker, bank or any other financial institution. Opinions, interpretations and conclusions are our own. Information on this site is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions and does not constitute personal investment recommendations or advice. Any opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and may not be updated on our website. Changes in our opinions may arise because of corporate developments, price changes, market conditions and other relevant matters. If you have any doubts, you should seek appropriate professional advice from your stockbroker before entering into any transaction in securities.

Equitylink's officers, employees and contributors and/or any connected persons may own shares profiled on the website and in the Company's newsletters and may from time-to-time add to or dispose of such interests. The Company has a policy of fully disclosing shareholdings in relevant shares at the time of publication. It also has rules about staff dealing in shares profiled in its column shortly before and after publication of tips.

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